Farewell Dear Friends!

Well...I think this may be my last blog as Casey is coming home tonite....try not to cry or shed a tear (well, maybe a little tear)! I may be back...it depends if Casey yanks me off the contributer list! :) ha ha....I am sure she will have lots of stories to tell...if not she will have lots of tv to tell you about and all the pies that she has eaten! :)
Speaking of shows...did anyone see Lost? That show drives me crazy, it is so good but I don't think I will ever figure anything out!! Grrr!
OOO, and UPDATE on the study spot...I found one! :) It is in Hub Mall and they have tables and just the right amount of noise for me to work! I LOVE IT! and I can eat there too! :)
Also in news, (ha ha I feel like Barbra Walters, only prettier!) did you guys check out the front page of the journal? Brad Pitt AND Angelina Jolie (with kids in tow) have gone to Galaxyland! Yes, folks, they are both in Edmonton. I kind of feel sorry for them, I guess there were people everywhere, and some guys interviewed in the journal even said they want pictures because they will beable to sell them to some entertainment magazine. I mean, I know, he is Brad Pitt, but at the same time, you feel sorry for the kids. But, who am I kidding, if I saw Brad Pitt, I probably would have accosted him! :) lol!
Time to go!! I will see you all back in the comments section, and I may write once and awhile too! :) LOVE YA!

3 Response to "Farewell Dear Friends!"

  1. Anonymous Says:


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Yep, I'm glad she's home. Wish you could have been at the airport ... that Sal is just too crazy!!!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    LOL I am not suprised you found a spot to study by all those food places :) Aww Sal loves Casey! Good job trace!