Ok - it's official.

I am no longer going to post on this website, although it will still be around so we can check out all of the old pics!

See me at my new site!


change is gonna come...

So I have created a new website that I am testing out - I like it because it is simple and easy to use (I write my posts and email them in) and I really like the way photos get set up. Check it out and let me know what you think.

happy turkey day...

I was supposed to have made a lactose-free pumpkin pie by now, but somebody threw out my chilled dough. Seriously!! For those of you that may have just cringed after reading "lactose-free", I have been assured that the pie tastes just as good as the real stuff (the only difference is that rice milk is used instead of the evaporated kind.) I don't like making pumpkin pie because it is one of the few desserts that I do not like. And who likes making something they can't/won't eat? So I am going to have to improvise.

I promised myself that once I got a job I was going to start going to the gym again. I am actually really excited at this prospect. I think I am going to try Millennium Place in Sherwood Park, only because they have childcare (for those days when I've got to drag the little one around!) Now I just need to figure out a workout routine. Any suggestions? Maybe the facility has trainers I can work with...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy/enjoyed your long weekend and got to eat as much as you could stuff in your belly! We are off to mom's tonight for turkey. So excited for that post-turkey sleepy feeling...

Here's a little video to brighten your day:


thursday...third day?

I really mean to post on here more often than I do - really! Things around my place have been nuts this week! I have been doing orientation at the hospital, which has been, umm, slow. Yep, that's right - I finally found a job! Working on a stroke unit here in the city, as well as on a women's surgical unit. It is going to be a busy next few weeks as I navigate my way through these new places. And if I wasn't busy enough with a new job, a 10 month old baby who is cruising around like crazy, and a husband who has torn out our upstairs bedroom, I also have another job interview at an IV clinic. Yes, I am crazy. Actually, not really. I just want to become an expert in sticking people with needles!

Speaking of renovations, Sal has indeed torn apart our upstairs bedroom/open area. He has also taken the bathroom wall down, as well as the closet, which means the end result will be a huge bedroom with beautiful light coming in, and a brand new bathroom vanity! I cannot wait. Our current bedroom has become quite snug as we have had to move Hailey's crib in it - I love it. It's just like when she was a newborn and slept in the bassinette right beside me. There's nothing wrong with her sleeping in our bedroom until she is six years old, right?

Sal and I have been watching lots of movies lately, which has been a nice change. This week we finally watched 'Date Night', which I loved. Tracey, you were so right - it was hilarious! I think Steve Carrell is so, so funny. Also watched 'Salt' which was ok. Nothing to write home about. I would love to go and see a really good movie in the theater - have you seen anything good lately that you think I should go see?

an open letter fo my friend...

Dear Tiffany,

I have been thinking lots lately about the regular posting I was going to put on my blog in honour of you and your former neighbourhood: "Happenings in the Hood." Now that you don't live there, there seems to be a lack in my crazy inner city sightings! Now that I am working in the hospital, I will surely see and experience a new side of these folks - maybe I will call it "Happenings in the Hospital". I am going to keep my eye out for people like the man in the wheelchair who beat up his friend (not in a wheelchair!). Whenever I drive past 'our corner' at 97 street and 107 avenue, I will think of you fondly.

With regards,
Your friend Casey (the one who lives on the good side of the tracks!)

...for those of you that don't know Tiffany, she is a good friend (I almost said was - ha!) who recently moved away - far, far away to a land called New York. She's doing her Masters in Media Studies in a school in Manhattan, which is a bit further away from Edmonton...I miss her and her husband and her cats. Well, I miss Kitty...

fall photos

I have to come to a realization: I don't think I could ever be a stay-at-home mom. Don't get me wrong - I love my daughter to death, but it is exhausting! Hardest part is setting up a routine and sticking to it. This week my goal is to not turn the tv on during the day, and to take Hailey and Jasper out for a walk every day. Tonight we went to the park and played on the swings. My little girl sure does love being up in the air!

I have still been on the lookout for jobs, though things are moving slowly. Some interviews, some talking. For now, I am just going to enjoy my time off. Getting some sewing done (more baby sleeping sacks, placemats, little quilts), doing some new baking (homemade lemon tarts, chicken stew, granola), and visiting family (going to Medicine Hat to visit the grandpa). Between all of that I am trying to do some reading, teaching my baby, and taking photos again.

Anyway, here are some shots I took tonight at the park. It's kind of amazing how much I love this little one. It's a bit overwhelming at times…


Oh boy. I am sitting here listening to my little girl cry and cry, refusing to go to bed. One of the hardest parts of being a parent - letting the little one cry and choosing not to do anything about it! Both of us are still getting over our colds. She's still got a pretty runny nose and slept with us in bed last night as she was up coughing and pretty upset all through the evening. Poor thing...

Anyway, we had a pretty busy day around here today. Got the roof done (finally!), which means no more leaks in our front room. Yayy! Then tonight I watched the tv show 'Glee' for the first time. I kind of feel like I am the only one around who hasn't seen this show yet (besides my sister, right?) I'm going to say that I was not totally disappointed. Tracey, you were right - I love Sue Sylvester! What a funny character. Kind of unbelievable what they get away with on tv now, hey?

Anyway, all about books. I thought that when I finished school and my placements I would have so much more time to read, but by the time I get through my day and into bed, I'm too exhausted to do any reading! I did just finish one: 'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides. Here is a little blurb about it: "I was born twice: first, as a baby girl, on a remarkably smogless Detroit day in January of 1960; and then again, as a teenage boy, in an emergency room near Petoskey, Michigan, in August of 1974." And so begins Middlesex, the mesmerizing saga of a near-mythic Greek American family and the "roller-coaster ride of a single gene through time." The odd but utterly believable story of Cal Stephanides, and how this 41-year-old hermaphrodite was raised as Calliope, is at the tender heart of this long-awaited second novel from Jeffrey Eugenides, whose elegant and haunting 1993 debut, The Virgin Suicides, remains one of the finest first novels of recent memory."

(Umm...did you know that you can read entire novels on Google? Not sure how I feel about this yet...thoughts?)

Next up for me is going to be the last book in the Millennium series, 'The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest'. So, so excited. If you haven't started the series yet, you should. But really try and keep going and get through the first few chapters of the first book. They are dry and political, and boring, but it gets so much better! I also have the latest Vinyl Cafe book on the go, which I try and read when I can. And finally, mom gave me her copy of Wishin' and Hopin' by Wally Lamb. It's meant to be a Christmas story, but you should really try to grab a copy of it. I am only three chapters into it, but it is so funny. I have laughed out loud a number of times already.

So what's keeping you busy? What are you reading?


So I have really gotten into some tv shows lately. As I have mentioned in the past, my favourites right now are Top Chef, Mad Men, and Rubicon. Now with all of the new tv shows starting up again, I think I am going to be in trouble. Grey's Anatomy, V, and Law & Order: Los Angeles? I don't think I am going to be seeing my friends for a while. Also, I may be asking for a babysitter more often then not! Ha…

This has been a bit of a brutal weekend around our home. Hailey and I have both come down with a cold, and I feel so bad for the little one! She can't fix herself like I can do with myself (hello Tylenol and lemon tea!) I even tried to get some sewing done tonight, but I had no interest and no energy to do it. Now that is sad. Especially since I have a ton of projects to get going on: Halloween quilt, two Christmas ones, a costume for Hailey, maybe a tablecloth? I am so excited…

Anyway, that's all I've got for tonight. Tomorrow I am going to take a hint from Tracey and do a little write up on some books! I love having time to read now that school is done!

Hope you had a good weekend...


I have decided to join a playgroup with Hailey so that she will be able to start socializing with other babies and kids. Today is the first day. I so do not wish today was the first day. It is 9:00am and I need to leave in 20 minutes and I haven't showered and I haven't had my coffee and it is 10 degrees outside and I want to go back to bed.

I will let you know how it goes - oh, and I am engorged because the little one has stopped breastfeeding.


well that was unexpected...

wow...I am not even really sure where to start! So much has happened over the past month with me finishing up with school, starting the job hunt, and dealing with a teething-crawling-walking/shuffling little girl.

So I will just start off with a video (click to watch it bigger - it's getting cut off a bit):

So, so great. I love watching dancing, and so badly wish I could do it well myself. I mean, don't get me wrong - just ask my friends about my "three" awesome moves!

So what have I been doing for the past month? Let's recap:

1. I did finish my final school placement on a gynecological surgery unit, which was absolutely fantastic. I saw so much and learned an incredible amount of information. I saw a major hemorrhage, a major abdominal surgery which the surgeon let me scrub in for and participate in, and started a whole bunch of IVs! Next up, I've got my provincial registration exam on the 15th - wish me luck!

2. Went to Moose Jaw for a week to visit Slappin' Grandma in her new home. P.S. Hailey is a fantastic traveler!

3. Speaking of Hailey, let me tell you what is new with that little one. She has a total of FOUR teeth coming in her top gum. Four giant big-girl teeth! She is going to look so different! She is crawling over the place, almost at break neck speed! She is also pulling herself up to stand whenever she can, and her Grandpa is definitely her favourite person of the moment. Also, she decided last night that she is done breastfeeding. I wish she would have let me know ahead of time...

4. I have been trying to stay caught up with my sewing, but between school and Hailey and studying, it has unfortunately taken a place on the back burner for just one more week. But I have finished a few projects including this stuffed bunny which I made for Lynette's little girl:

5. I have gotten into a few tv shows lately, and am especially in love with Mr. Draper. Am also enjoying this show, as well as this one, which I am still trying to figure out.

6. Some of my best friends have moved to a land far, far away called New York. We are going to plan a trip next year which will be exciting. Especially with all of us cramped in their little Manhattan apartment - I can't wait! In Tiff's honour, I have told her that I will keep her up-to-date on happenings in the hood. We shared some great stories about funny folks we ran into down in the inner city, close to our homes. I will try to keep my eye out for you, my friend!

Anyway, that's about it for me for now. Again, I apologize. Hope all is well with you.


first night

4:37am - just realized that I am more than halfway finished my first night shift. Up at 8:00 this morning, one 2.5 hour nap this afternoon/evening, and then out to the hospital for 11:00pm. I am doing much better than I thought I would, although it is a very surreal feeling sitting in a dark hallway, knowing that I am surrounded by other nurses and about 20 patients lining the outside of the unit. On night shifts we take one long break (a whole hour and a half) so that nurses can sleep if they would like to. I sat on a couch (and by sat I mean I sprawled out on - ) and read my book for half an hour and then had a very short doze for maybe 10 minutes. A friend of mine told me that whenever she slept during her night shifts, her eyes would feel like sandpaper as soon as she woke up! I had this in the back of my mind and really tried to put off a sleep! So I am back at my desk, looking up medical terms and disorders that I read about, and think about how good it is going to feel at 7:15am when I can finally drag myself back out to my car and slide into bed.

I think tomorrow is going to be the real test - I have told Sal that during the day he is going to have to physically place baby H. onto me to breastfeed her. Either that or hook up the breast pump and let it do its thing.

Isn't that a lovely image to end on...

lighthouse (not the cheesy band...)

I love going through the archives on this blog. We used to write so often on here, and would write about and post the most ridiculous things. I am going to try and go through the old stuff and post some of my faves. Found this little nugget - it's pretty funny.

1. One way or another, the government gets 98 per cent of your income.
2. You're poor, but not as poor as the Newfies.
3. When listing the provinces, everyone forgets to mention yours.
4. The economy is based on fish, cows, and ferrying Ontario motorists to Boston.
5. No one ever blames anything on New Brunswick.
6. Everybody has a Grandfather who runs a lighthouse
7. Just as charming as Maine, but with more unemployed fishermen
8. You probably live in a small seaside cottage with no television.

Tracey, I don't know why but whenever someone asks me where your family is from I always say Nova Scotia first. Speaking of lighthouses, this article was mentioned on CBC a while back and made me feel a bit sad. Canada has declared 976 lighthouses to be 'surplus' and are now looking to individuals, businesses, etc. to step up and buy a lighthouse. How about that? I think I have changed my retirement plans - forget relaxing on a beach when I am old. I am going to buy a lighthouse and just stare out of the top window, snooping on my neighbours.

Ha! I can just picture it...

new music

I received an iTunes gift certificate for my birthday this year - I always have a hard time figuring out what to buy off of iTunes because I am such an avid user of my local library and get tons of cds from there.

Tonight I thought I would share some of the music I have been listening to lately:

Love this song by K'naan.

How about you - what's playing on your stereo lately?


I hate having bad days - as I have mentioned before, I don't have many bad days. I have bad moments, but whole days of unhappiness and crappiness are rare (yes, I do consider myself very lucky).

This past Monday? Horrible. Absolutely rotten. Got to the hospital and was thrown into a shit storm of patients - very acute patients with lots wrong and lots to be addressed. For the past two weeks, my families have been pretty healthy - maybe a high blood pressure here or there or a baby with high jaundice levels, but nothing like Monday. I think what made me feel so out of sorts is that I was so disorganized. I came home and vented to Sal for about half an hour. And what was his response? "Now you know what to do in situations like that. Now you know what it is to be a nurse!" He is totally right. I did learn. And for that I am grateful.

Cut to Tuesday. I began the day by having a sleep with my little girl on the couch (heaven!). Then before my shift I ran by the mall to pick up a new strap for my favourite watch which broke a month ago. The girl was so nice, despite having just been completely bitched out by a customer. She was having a day like my Monday! I could totally relate. And instead of selling me a new strap, she just took the old clasp off of a clearance one and slipped it right onto my watch and let me walk away. Didn't charge me a thing. She ended up venting to me about that awful customer and I let her, keeping a smile on my face the whole time. "I hear you" was all that was going through my mind. So she made my day yesterday and I ended up having a fantastic shift. Met a couple who have gone through five years of trying and heartbreak before finally giving birth to the most perfect little baby. Meeting and caring for them made my previous shift just disappear from my mind.

It was a good day.


I cannot believe it, but I am already more than half done my placement on the maternity unit here in the city. What I also can't believe is that I have loved it so much! Being in an inner city hospital absolutely has its challenges - dealing with families living just at or below the poverty line, single mothers, very young moms and dads...etc. The toughest part yet has been seeing and working with the babies who are born to moms who used drugs during the pregnancy. These poor little babes are born already going through withdrawl symptoms. Day one for us brought a little thing who had horrible shudders go through his body every few minutes. And once he was held, they stopped - he just needed some love. All I am thinking as I see these little babies is tremendous sadness for them and their future, but then I give the best care I absolutely can. I suppose that is what being a good nurse is - being empathetic on the outside while hiding your sympathy and raw feelings on the inside. Frick, it's hard!

The best part about this placement is being able to hold brand new little babes who just entered this world. It's pretty incredible...

(I want another one...)


the joy of cooking...

So here is something that you may not know about me: I mean, I really love them. I was just talking to a neighbour and she told me that she reads cookbooks in bed at night - ok, I may not be there yet, but I think I am close. I love going through new books to find recipes that I am interested in cooking, as well as just reading about different techniques. In our home, Sal really does most of the cooking at suppertime, and I am the baker. I love baking anything. One thing that I have begun to do more often is actually read the whole recipe before starting - what a concept, hey? Too many times have I started to cook an onion or meat, add the other ingredients, only to discover two sentences down that I was supposed to marinate the whole thing overnight or let something sit for three hours when I am already starving!

Sal and I watched the movie 'Julie & Julia' last night - hence, the gastronomical posting! I really, really enjoyed it. I loved all of the dishes being prepared, and I especially loved the character of Julia Child - I wish she was a family member of mine who I could go see on the weekends and cook with. I am always fascinated by french cuisine, but have not had much luck cooking it. There are too many ingredients, too many steps, and too many things that can go wrong. I hate spending time in the kitchen only to have prepared a disappointing dish (this happened most recently with potato salad - I blame the recipe. How can potato salad taste bad?) I often will take out cookbooks from the library and spend hours going through them and re-copying the recipes I like into my own cookbook. You cannot understand how happy the process makes me.

I have a couple of favourite cookbooks. My cooking bible is 'The Joy of Cooking'. I was given this book by a wonderful friend and her mom for my wedding shower, and believe me - it is well loved. One thing we have always done in our family is to date the recipe the first time we cook it and write a review. Many a page of my copy has been reviewed:

(they really are the best pancakes - making them is a weekend tradition!)

Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook is also wonderful. I photocopied a lot of recipes out of there, including the coconut cake I made for Sal's birthday. I really love making new things. It provides a real sense of accomplishment if it tastes good! Here is the front and inside of my own recipe book - the one that I copy recipes from friends, family, and other cooks! (Yes, it is a Harry Potter blnk journal that I got as a gift...seriously...what else was I supposed to do with it?)

oh god, that cover kills me everytime I look at it...

(edit: did you see the list of ingredients under the apple pie recipe? wow - I am a quick one!)

Again, that is my very well used and well loved book! I always take a look at the Martha Stewart Everyday Food magazine when I am at the grocery store. Super easy and generally healthy recipes. That is something I also look for in a recipe. I am starting to eat more and more fruit and vegetables and less meats. Sal and I have not eaten red meat in over 6 months, and ever since reading the book 'Food Matters' by Mark Bittman, I am even more set on that way of eating. I am so glad we grew so much lettuce in our garden as I have been eating so many salads as of late.

So that's me, and what I make, and what inspires me. My question to you: do you use cookbooks, or are you one of those free spirits who can't stand the thought of following recipes? What cookbooks do you turn to?


oh dear.

Where did the time go? I apologize for not writing more recently, but I forget about this little thing. Anyway, check out my guest post on Rebekah's website. Leave a comment at the end and you will be entered to win something handmade by Rebekah -

I finished day two of my placement on the maternity ward at the RAH, although up until now we have just been having tons of orientation to the unit. There is so much to know about new moms and their babes that I have forgotten until now! I am so excited to have my buddy shift tomorrow and to be taking on patients starting Thursday. Oh, and I also kind of want to have another baby right now. They are so cute and little...and their little shrieks are to die for! Also, for those of you who may be having a little one in the future, I would highly suggest you have it in the new Lois Hole Hospital for Women. It is so beautiful and clean and bright. Everything you would hope a hospital would ideally be's heaven.

Anyway, that's it for me. I might not be back for a while. I have a pretty significant and scary birthday coming up that I need to prepare for.

Have a good one..

happy hump day!

I can't believe we are halfway through the week already! That means that I only have two three more days off (plus the weekend) before I am back in the hospital. I am looking forward to it - it will be interesting being on a maternity ward on the other side this time (that is, being a nurse and not a patient). Part of me wishes I would have asked to do something like emergency to really get me out of my comfort zone. But that's the great thing about the field of nursing - you can get a job in almost any area you would like to!

Things around here have been pretty uneventful. This past weekend involved a lot of garage sale-ing. We managed to get some great finds, including a play pen for the little one. I debated whether to get one or not as they are so big (especially beside that stupid exersaucer), but the lady gave it to us for $15 and it looks brand new. Now when I'm cooking or cleaning I just throw the babe in there and she is good (until she rolls onto her tummy or back and can't move and start crying!) If Sal gets up in time I think we might go to the pool and take little H. swimming for the first time. I can't wait to see her in the water - she still has that reflex that causes babies to hold their breath almost as soon as water touches their face - she even does it when I take her into the shower with is hilarious.

Our garden is coming along fantastically - everything is growing really well. I wish that more veggies were ready quicker so that I could cook them up and give to the baby. We have been feeding her solids for about a month now and haven't had to buy any of the canned food yet. Yayy! So far her favourites have been peas and lentils, and least favourite was chicken. Still have yet to give her fruit - I'm going to the farmer's market in Sherwood Park tonight so hopefully they have some there.

So that's my week - I will be doing a guest post on a friend's blog in the next few days so I will let you know when that happens.


flipper, flipper, flipper - and I'm done!

Have you seen that movie? I certainly never have, but that is the movie playing in our house right now. It was one of Sal's favourite movies when he was a kid!

We had a very busy day today - we started out wanting to go finish some errands and hit some garage sales, and boy did we get it all done. First off we hit this amazing estate sale pretty close by - I could have bought so much stuff. Sal doesn't like estate sales...he doesn't like the idea of buying stuff from a person who died. But I tell you, this lady had some amazing stuff - old radios, lots of old camera equipment, vintage kitchen items. You name it, it was there. I found this great cake saver/dish (something I've been looking for for a while):

I love it. Then we went to our favourite antique store and I bought this great serving dish. I really enjoy the design:

Finally, we hit a garage sale and found a high chair for Hailey - it is so cute with such a sweet design:

(Sorry for the crappy quality of the pictures). So that was our day! Tonight we are just staying in and watching movies. I finally watched 'Inglourious Basterds' - holy, did I ever enjoy that movie! Then I think we are going to catch 'Alice in Wonderland'. Good times!
Anyway, that's it for me. I can't believe that I am done school for good - yep, I passed all of my final exams and all of my courses. Now I just have two more practicums in a maternity ward and a surgical ward, and then I am officially done August 20. I cannot wait - will keep you posted as to how things go. Until then, I am off for a week.

Wanna hang out?
so Megan just left, and she is going to come on here and say "Casey, why aren't you studying? You aren't prepared!" Fine, Megan, fine. Maybe I didn't know all of the answers on the flash cards, but it's all 'up here' (imagine I just pointed to my head). But I am still sitting at the table, flash cards in front of me, ready to keep going. I just had to come on and post a few things.

#1: I finished my first of three finals today - it seemed very easy, but I will let you know how I did.
#2: I'm ticked because today is the first day I actually went out and watered our garden, and now we are in the midst of a rainstorm
#3: The watering was worth it because I got to see all of the carrots and peppers that are growing, as well as the zucchini that is spreading!
#4: It was hard putting little H. down tonight - some days she just cries and cries when she is put to bed because she just doesn't want to be left alone!
#5: I need to wrap up because I am going to make some mexican hot chocolate...mmm...

Anyway, hope your night is well. Here is what was greeting me when I went upstairs a few minutes ago:

I love her - frick, look at those chubby feet...

Have a good one and enjoy the storm.


Ok - I just saw this commercial again on tv. I don't know why, but I find it so funny!



the boob tube

One of the hardest parts about exam week is dealing with my awful procrastinating. Especially now that Sal and I have cable - I don't know how we lived without it for so long. If I watched documentary channels like the National Geographic channel or Discovery channel then maybe it would be different. I would be learning as I stare at the tv. But no - I love shows like this, or reruns of this or this! Oh, and don't get me started on the World Cup. I don't know what it is about those men running up and down the field, but I can't get enough of it! I could literally sit down and watch hours of those games.
And if I can build up the willpower to turn off the tv, I still have internet access on my laptop and start rifling through all of my favourite craft websites. I'm so excited to start sewing once I'm finished my last exam on Thursday. I have a whole list of things I need to make:
-another sleep sac for Hailey...the one I showed here is too small. She is so long!!
-dark curtains for the window by her crib
-start working on block one of this quilt. So cute!
finish my placemats..will show pictures

So that's it for me for now...I am off to do more studying now that Hailey is down for bed. So have a good night - oh I forgot! I want to know what you are watching lately (especially now that it's rerun season!

Oh my word, I am so exhausted. I don't think I have the energy to have a garage sale ever again! It went alright - had lots of people come by, but not a lot of buyers! That finalized it for me - all of the best and most successful garage sales are in Sherwood Park! The funniest people are those (yes - more than one person!!) people that would come by and say "I never bring any money to garage sales!" or "The best thing about garage sales is coming without any money!" Seriously! Don't say that crap to me while it is 25+ degrees outside and my baby and I are sweating to the radio!

Since neither of us wanted to cook, Sal and I resigned ourselves to getting some takeout - 'Dirty bird' was on the menu. Most of you will know it as KFC! Ew...I feel so sick and fatty right now. I love indulging in guilty little pleasures like that during the summer. We gave Hailey peas for the first time tonight, and she loved them. I mean, she had her mouth wide open before even swallowing the last bite! She must have been exhausted after the day as well as she feel asleep on Sal's chest a whole hour before her usual bedtime:

Not sure yet how this is going to affect her sleeping tonight - hopefully she is able to say asleep so she gets a decent rest. So, the rest of my night is looking exciting - I'm going to be finishing my flashcards for my Mental Health exam next week. Sal and I were going to watch a movie but as I write this he is passed out on the couch beside me. He spent the day smack-dab in the sun weeding our vegetable garden. The sun has pooped him out too!

Whatever you are doing, have a wonderful Saturday night!

p.s. I have pea pods now!

Friday already?

Oh man - I have failed already in my blog attempts. This week was crazy in terms of school (almost finished), Hailey (onto carrots and peas now!), and the garage sale! Yes, I am participating in my very first sale here at my place. My friend Tiffany and I are having a joint garage sale and of course, Sal and I were scouring the house last night for the last items I could sell. Surprisingly, I have more clothes than I thought I would. Especially those clothes that don't fit you now but that you hold onto because you think one day you will fit into again! Yep - I am getting rid of them!

I can't believe it, but I am finished classes next Thursday - absolutely no more school, no more teachers, no more papers, no more care plans!! The downside? I have three finals between Wednesday and Thursday which I have barely started to study for. That's the problem with classes winding down at the end of the semester - the drive and motivation to study completely disappears. After tomorrow's garage sale I will be bunkering down and starting to study non-stop... least I will try...


warning: picture heavy!!

So how are you feeling after the hot hot weekend! Those hot days make me feel so sleepy and lethargic. It sure was hard getting back to school after a relaxing weekend. I finally got little Diesel back from the mechanic in Camrose - I had a great time taking a little road trip with just little H. I listened to my favourite podcast on the way there. Have you listened to 'This American Life' from NPR? If you like stories and storytelling, I would highly recommend this podcast. Very interesting.

Earlier this spring Sal built a fence around half of our driveway (we went from four car spaces down to two), and then he built 6 large deep planters. Instead of having a plot in the community garden this year, we planted veggies in the new boxes. We've got lettuce, peppers, carrots, peas, zucchini, and cucumber. Take a peek (there are some flowers scattered around too!):

One of my favourite pots - Martha Washington's and pansies!

My begonias - I mostly love the pots I planted them in:

We are growing wheat in the fire pit again:

Look at all of those strawberries already! We've got three plants like this already:

One of two lettuce boxes:

Our pepper plants - kind of hard to see but there are so many peppers already:

Of course, there is so much more to see! You will just have to drop by sometime...seriously! Please drop by!

I also got that WIP that I mentioned a few days ago finished tonight. Since baby H has been rolling over like crazy lately up in her crib and has been kicking off all of her blankets, I made a 'sleeping sack' out of this book. I made it out of some Japanese squares I bought ages ago, as well as the cutest bumblebee fabric.

I haven't been able to test it out on little H yet as she was sleeping when I finished it tonight, so I had to use my next favourite model:

Mitch, my old faithful Cabbage Patch Kid. I think he really likes it - look at the smile on his face!

Have a good Tuesday!


Man, I am so glad it is the weekend! I only had two hours of class today, but it was still an early start at 8:00am. We had a guest speaker who works for an organization that runs a day home for palliative clients. I love that she said that they aim to maintain quality, not quantity of life. She said that once the individuals accept that they do have a chronic and/or fatal condition, so many of them aim to live their best and most happy life (yes, that's sort of a play on Oprah's mantra...stupid Oprah...). Very inspiring...

Since this last semester of school started in May, I have not had much desire to sew. I have so many projects in mind, but I just can't find my sewing mojo. I think part of it has to do with the fact that poor little Diesel (my sewing machine) had to be shipped off to Vancouver to fix its struts or engine or motor. Finally got the call yesterday that it is finally ready. FINALLY!! Now, all I want to do is sew. My problem is that I start so many projects because I love cutting out the pieces, ironing them, and stacking everything in neat little piles. Once I get going, though, my ADD kicks in and I have no interest in finishing them. I have started one little project for the little one - my next WIP to finish:

Once I get it finished I will post some pictures.

So...what are you doing this weekend?

it's been one of those days...

Those of you that know me really well probably know that it takes a lot for me to get bent out of shape. I mean, it really takes a lot for me to have a bad day. I don't know why, but today was one of those days. I was right pissed off driving to school, and it was for no reason. Now, when I got to school and found out that we suddenly owe another $800 for the next two months of placements? I felt like I shouldn't have been around other people. And then I had to go sit in my doctor's office (no nasty comments from you, Tracey!) for 1.5 hours to find out that my post-pregnancy-now-breastfeeding hormones are taking a nasty (and itchy!) toll on my already tired body!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be so close to being done school - I mean, I almost get giddy at the thought of not having to sit in a classroom or write papers about leadership! I am looking forward to July and August as I will be in my last two placements: In July I will be at the Royal Alex in the maternity ward, and in August I am on a gynecology surgical unit. I'm telling you - I am going to be a va-jay-jay superstar at the end of the summer!

Another little tidbit of excitement around here is our new camera:

This was my birthday gift to Sal this year (but I am not-so-secretly enjoying it too!) It is so nice having a beautiful camera that takes beautiful pictures again. I promise I will not get caught in the rain again!! It takes such great photos of the little one which makes it worth the extra cost!

So while I bitch and moan about being in school all day, sitting in doctors offices, reading horribly boring textbooks, it's this little one that makes it all worth it. It is for her that I am embarking on this new career - kind of makes me want to do my best to provide the best life for her that I can!

Hailey's first time having vegetables...I think she liked the sweet potatos?!

Anyway, I hope you had a better day than me!

p.s. Tracey - you can just do an internet search for 'blogger templates'. I found this one for you: SCRAPPY!

good times...

Now I remember why I never got rid of this blog - it is so funny looking back on all of the crap we wrote about!
Why Tracey is a pervert!
The second photo still cracks me up...


Ah! Angel...most of the time. Almost 18 pounds now...had her 6 month vaccinations today, and she cried until the nurse rang a little bell, and it was like magic. Little H just stared at that bell like it was food!

Sal went out and found these ridiculous goggle/sunglasses for little H to wear. I am pretty sure that this has been the only time she has worn them. I tried them on yesterday and they were so tight against my head that I couldn't even open my eyes - Sal couldn't even get the strap done up on his head!

hold on to your shorts

Yes, believe it or not, here I am posting on blogger!

You may have noticed some new features, especially the new layout. I like it, but am still trying to find the perfect one. I can't believe Tracey's new blogs! You are a machine, my friend!

Now I know I have said MANY times in the past that "I am going to start writing again!", but this time I am actually going to try and keep up. Especially since we are all so busy with work, school, kids (yeah, crazy, I know!). Now we can sort of keep up with each other! So let me know how you are doing, and I will let you know how I am. Here is a quick update:
-I am going to be done school at the end of August - yes, completely finished, and I can't wait to start making some money. We are sick of being a single income family!
-little H is 6 months old already - I will post some pics when I get around to it.
-Sal is still working for the city, and enjoying it (most of the time...)
-we were just in Moose Jaw visiting my grandma (yep - slapping grandma!) who broke her hip and had to have surgery. she is recovering well, but it will be a long process!

ummm...I think that's it for now. If I forget to write here soon, please remind me!
