fall photos

I have to come to a realization: I don't think I could ever be a stay-at-home mom. Don't get me wrong - I love my daughter to death, but it is exhausting! Hardest part is setting up a routine and sticking to it. This week my goal is to not turn the tv on during the day, and to take Hailey and Jasper out for a walk every day. Tonight we went to the park and played on the swings. My little girl sure does love being up in the air!

I have still been on the lookout for jobs, though things are moving slowly. Some interviews, some talking. For now, I am just going to enjoy my time off. Getting some sewing done (more baby sleeping sacks, placemats, little quilts), doing some new baking (homemade lemon tarts, chicken stew, granola), and visiting family (going to Medicine Hat to visit the grandpa). Between all of that I am trying to do some reading, teaching my baby, and taking photos again.

Anyway, here are some shots I took tonight at the park. It's kind of amazing how much I love this little one. It's a bit overwhelming at times…

1 Response to "fall photos"

  1. Megan Says:

    CUTIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!