well that was unexpected...

wow...I am not even really sure where to start! So much has happened over the past month with me finishing up with school, starting the job hunt, and dealing with a teething-crawling-walking/shuffling little girl.

So I will just start off with a video (click to watch it bigger - it's getting cut off a bit):

So, so great. I love watching dancing, and so badly wish I could do it well myself. I mean, don't get me wrong - just ask my friends about my "three" awesome moves!

So what have I been doing for the past month? Let's recap:

1. I did finish my final school placement on a gynecological surgery unit, which was absolutely fantastic. I saw so much and learned an incredible amount of information. I saw a major hemorrhage, a major abdominal surgery which the surgeon let me scrub in for and participate in, and started a whole bunch of IVs! Next up, I've got my provincial registration exam on the 15th - wish me luck!

2. Went to Moose Jaw for a week to visit Slappin' Grandma in her new home. P.S. Hailey is a fantastic traveler!

3. Speaking of Hailey, let me tell you what is new with that little one. She has a total of FOUR teeth coming in her top gum. Four giant big-girl teeth! She is going to look so different! She is crawling over the place, almost at break neck speed! She is also pulling herself up to stand whenever she can, and her Grandpa is definitely her favourite person of the moment. Also, she decided last night that she is done breastfeeding. I wish she would have let me know ahead of time...

4. I have been trying to stay caught up with my sewing, but between school and Hailey and studying, it has unfortunately taken a place on the back burner for just one more week. But I have finished a few projects including this stuffed bunny which I made for Lynette's little girl:

5. I have gotten into a few tv shows lately, and am especially in love with Mr. Draper. Am also enjoying this show, as well as this one, which I am still trying to figure out.

6. Some of my best friends have moved to a land far, far away called New York. We are going to plan a trip next year which will be exciting. Especially with all of us cramped in their little Manhattan apartment - I can't wait! In Tiff's honour, I have told her that I will keep her up-to-date on happenings in the hood. We shared some great stories about funny folks we ran into down in the inner city, close to our homes. I will try to keep my eye out for you, my friend!

Anyway, that's about it for me for now. Again, I apologize. Hope all is well with you.


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