o canada...

I don't know if there's just too much pressure or hype that is surrounding our Canadian athletes, and I know I'm certainly not one to sit and judge them (regardless of my obvious natural athletic abilities), but in the past few years it seems like it's expected that "they are going to do really well this time" but then always fall short. Maybe in some stories it's a case of the athlete being a 'medal hopeful' and not a 'medal contender'. Take, for example, Jeremy Wotherspoon. Expected to do really well, but totally fell short! I mean, 9th place! I feel sorry for these guys, especially since it's a known fact that funding for sports isn't even close to being comparable to countries like the USA or China, where training for the Olympics is their full time occupation.

But once again, I am obviously not an Olympian and am not pretending to be. Just a thought...poor little skater...

1 Response to "o canada..."

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    i agree case...but then a bunch of americans fell short too like apollo, bode, and michelle...so atleast its not a canadian thing this year!