I'm sitting here tapping my feet to a new internet station I found: it's all Cole Porter music and currently I'm listening to 'Let's Misbehave' by Elvis Costello. Wait - now I'm swinging from side to side! So good - I need a little excitement in my life right now as I woke up too late this morning and am still feeling like I just woke up and it's already noon. I'm in trouble...

Tomorrow I'm registered in (and don't laugh!) a defensive driving course. The only reason I registered is in the hopes that my insurance goes down a bit. Here's hoping!!! The only thing is that it is six and a half hours of talking in a classroom about driving. I can only hope that it's not like my original driving in-class instructor Merv who wore loads of dangly gold jewellery (he even had a pinky ring!!) Then it's back to the grind friday here in the darkroom, and then that night. Aaah, Harry Potter. I don't know why we're all so excited. I mean, it's not like it's a surprise as to what's going to happen! I guess it's just seeing it on the big screen and comparing it to what we pictured in our minds. When reading the book, I have to admit that I imagined the mermaids to look something like Ariel. I think I'm going to be disappointed.

This is going to be a big month for movies for me! Monday night I got free passes to see 'Just Friends' from work. The lady predicted it to be a 'stinker', but I think it's going to be hilarious. Even sal who hates Ryan Reynolds (oh, *sigh* dreamboat) really wants to see it. So I'll let you know how it is after we see it. So that's about it for me for now. Did any of you try that brain teaser about the raft that Nikki sent out? It took me ten minutes to do, but it's frustrating when you first start out! Try it today...let me know how it went.

Happy hump day...dont' forget to watch Lost and America's Next Top Model!

5 Response to " "

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    holy crap...i guess the japanese will give you a job! it took me two tries as i gave up the first time and had to think about it in my head for an hour, and then when i did do it i couldn't recreate it again until 15 minutes later!

    just friends is on my list of movies b/c of ryan reynolds and chris klien! have fun seeing that one! :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Al says I am addicted to tv on Wed nights!! I love Lost an of course ANTM. I think the lesbo should win. I just said that cause that's a friend of mine's favorite word. I won't tell except her name starts with the same initial as me.

  3. Unknown Says:

    LOL oh Jane you are so sneaky....
    WED is so my tv night
    Veronica mars

    Soooo good, Kirk (my name for the lesbo) should totally win ANTM I am kind of rooting for her I have to say, and I was totally shocked about Lisa...
    Lost was equally awesome, the only problemo was I swear our phone rang 15 TIMES!

  4. Unknown Says:

    Casey, you already drive pretty defensivley I am kind of scared of you in a course like that.....LOL
    What is the web address of the station you were mentioning?

  5. casey Says:

    it's at www.accuradio.com

    I listen to the 'Listening Post' and vocal jazz.

    I'll put the full link up on monday