Buttercup Toiletbuns

Find out your silly name from Captain Underpants. I've already told you mine - what's yours?


7 Response to "Buttercup Toiletbuns"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    My name is buttercup pickle chunks. I think that is way better than my real name!!!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Snotty Wafflejuice!

    I guess that mean that I am a snotty punk that likes waffles and juice!

    Good to know!


  3. Unknown Says:

    Poopsie Girdlenose

    Where do you find these things case?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Dan's name is Gidget Pickle Chunks. Anyone know what a gidget is!!!!!

  5. Tracey Robertson Says:

    falafel gizzardchunks

  6. casey Says:

    ok...I can't stop giggling as I'm reading these - too funny!

  7. Anonymous Says:
