finally friday

hey all...

what an uneventful week! It's the end of January and it finally feels like winter might be setting in. I've heard that it's supposed to get chilly in February, but who knows. I've also heard through the grapevine that some people have received their prosperity cheques. I'm very excited about it.

Had my second hot yoga class last night and I have to say it was much better than monday. In fact, I might even enjoy it when I go again tomorrow. There's still a few stretches that work my tummy so hard it feels like I'm going to puke, but overall it's not that bad. And it went way quicker too! It's so funny hearing the instructor say things in 'yoga-talk' like the names of certain positions, and there are actually poses called the 'locust', the 'camel', the 'rabbit', and 'tree'. That one I like! I'm glad I tried it, but I think I might join some other class now since I've got the mat and everything.

No plans for the weekend except for vegging a bit. Have a good one.


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