ok, so 'hot yoga' aka 'hatha yoga' starts tonight - like I said, yoga in a sauna (roughly 35 to 40 degrees celsius). I drank so much water yesterday Sal told me to stop or I would begin to harm my body. so I'm back at it today and am aiming to drink about 2 1/2 litres of water before class at 5:30pm. I will definitely let you know how it goes. if you're interested in learning more about it, here is the website of the place we're going to. yeah, that's me in the skimpy little shorts and sports bra. we are supposed to wear as little as possible - apparently one man takes it who is very hairy and wears just a speedo. A SPEEDO!! It's definitely going to be interesting. hope everyone had a good weekend - talk to you later.



2 Response to "STOP READING AND GO VOTE!!!!"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Just don't over-do-it today!

    Maybe you should only drink around 1.5 - 1.75 litres of water before you go. Then you can drink the rest of the water during or after your work out. Remember to replace the salts and minerals that you are going to loose!!!!


  2. Tracey Robertson Says:

    casey that seriously sounds like the most revolting workout i have ever heard of!! lol....but i do hope you have fun...and sal is rite, your body knows better how to conserve water when you have less of it than when you have too much water...that is what i learned in physio...

    and i did my rite as a canadian citzen and voted....and my mom is calling my grandma to get results since they are with holding from us till 7:30pm