wednesday morning...

a little late I know, and I apologize for the lacking effort from me in the past few days. the tiredness is finally setting in! and i'm at the flower shop tonight, just to top things off. you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is? people who seem to make an honest effort to be grumpy and bitchy! sal and I caught the new Batman flick last night...really good, although I didn't cry like tracey did! wedding plans are still SLOWLY coming along. to the robertsons: I finally got pics developed from the dinner, so I'll get them to you next time we see you!
ciao all, cb!
p.s. has anyone else (of the 20-something age group) noticed that everyone is talking like Napolean Dynamite? ...or maybe it's just sal...

1 Response to "wednesday morning..."

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    it was a very emotional movie...poor bruce wayne...look at what he went through!! the turmoil! :)