
so I'm writing here now before I start printing so I will actually do it! Things have been crazy busy lately, what with things going on almost every night this week, and Dennis officially retired as of yesterday, I don't know what to do with myself! I'm sitting at what I call my new desk - I know I won't be spending much time here and will only have it until they hire some new guy, but it's mine for now. I figure if I put up a huge picture of Sal half-naked or something they won't want the desk!
So yes, Dennis is gone, and no, I'm not taking his job or pay or position. I don't know what is going to be happening to me here, but I do know that I'm not losing my job!

So that's work for now - it's certainly going to be lonely up here. I'm probably going to start talking to myself since there's hardly another person around (and it's a big space!) If I start going crazy, please start an intervention! I can't believe it's the weekend tomorrow! This week seems to have flown by.

You will all be proud of me - Megan and I watched Marie Antoinette last weekend, and I really really liked it! And what's even more insane, I really liked Kirsten Dunst in it. I mean, I liked her a lot!! I don't think I would say that I'm a fan now, but I thought she was great in the movie (except in the parts with the girl that played her daughter - I found that really cheesy and badly acted!) So how do you like that? I'm growing!

So that's it for now - March 1st already, hey? 2007 so far is just cruising by!
Have a good one...Casey.

3 Response to "wow"

  1. Unknown Says:

    pah - you only liked it b/c is was a sofia coppola! Just like you pretend to like and understand Lost in Translation - which should be called Lost in Boredom!

    I am impressed with you enjoying Kristen Dunst! Good for you! You are growing!

    I actually really enjoyed it - a little long..but good!

  2. Tracey Robertson Says:

    casey if you start mumbling to yourself i will be the first to start the intervention!`

  3. Unknown Says:

    don't worry about talking to yourself Casey - I have been doing it for a long time...sometimes when i am lost in my thoughts and replaying memories in my head on the bus i accidently talk out loud without noticing only a word or two..and sometimes you need to talk to yourself - sometimes you need a pep talk and you are the only one around to give yourself one - i do all these things and i am the most normal person I I wouldn't worry!