
I know its been a while and you're probably not even checking this anymore, but I thought I'd post a little update of my life and what's been going on:

1. I've become even more crazy about sewing that I am going to start doing hand sewing - Jeaninne, you may scoff at me now for being a grandma, but just wait til you see my first sampler!
2. Sal and I totally pigged out on pizza friday night and watched a little action flick you probably haven't heard about but was really good: 'Running Scared' with Paul Walker (*sigh*...dreamboat)
3. Work is better this week - personalities haven't been clashing up in my little workspace, but there is a massive exhibit that has become the bane of my existence
4. I'm not dressing up this hallowe'en as I am taking a stand against the man (I'll go into detail later on)
5. I have officially read 3 books so far this month: 'Le Divorce' by Diane Johnson, 'the Footprints of God' by Greg Iles, and 'The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night' by Mark Haddon (I think?!?) 6. Mustard Seed is still going strong, although I'm a bit upset I haven't been getting the cat calls and marriage proposals like Tracey has!
7. We got our wedding photos from Caley and I can't wait to get them printed - they look so cute! And her little baby is so tiny - I'm trying for Sal to get mother's urge...not happening yet!
8. Sal is still as busy as ever with school - classes for him end at the end of November.
9. I'm slightly starting to feel the giddyness of Christmas as I heard on tv last night about the Festival of Trees (I don't go, but it's all about Christmas Trees!!)
10. I'm still loving Grey's Anatomy, but I can't talk to Dennis about it because he calls everybody on the show whores! And Lost? I know last week's episode was confusing, but it was still really good. Can't wait to see what Sawyer sees with Fenry...yowza!!

So that's about it for now - what's new with you?

p.s. check out this website: fluideffect - it has a ton of celeb portrait with before and after the airbrushing...some of them are scary!

3 Response to "tuesday!"

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    PUHLEEZ...like you would be upset over getting less catcalls....ugh...i just wish i would stop getting people to blow kisses...sooo creepy!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I promised I would write. I want to tell you what fun it is to work at the Mustard seed with you and TJ. Don't we just have so much fun!! I so enjoy you girls!!!

  3. Unknown Says:

    what stand are you taking against what man regarding Halloween?