
Man, I am so glad it is the weekend! I only had two hours of class today, but it was still an early start at 8:00am. We had a guest speaker who works for an organization that runs a day home for palliative clients. I love that she said that they aim to maintain quality, not quantity of life. She said that once the individuals accept that they do have a chronic and/or fatal condition, so many of them aim to live their best and most happy life (yes, that's sort of a play on Oprah's mantra...stupid Oprah...). Very inspiring...

Since this last semester of school started in May, I have not had much desire to sew. I have so many projects in mind, but I just can't find my sewing mojo. I think part of it has to do with the fact that poor little Diesel (my sewing machine) had to be shipped off to Vancouver to fix its struts or engine or motor. Finally got the call yesterday that it is finally ready. FINALLY!! Now, all I want to do is sew. My problem is that I start so many projects because I love cutting out the pieces, ironing them, and stacking everything in neat little piles. Once I get going, though, my ADD kicks in and I have no interest in finishing them. I have started one little project for the little one - my next WIP to finish:

Once I get it finished I will post some pictures.

So...what are you doing this weekend?

4 Response to "finally!"

  1. Rebekah The Craft Fiend Says:

    I'm very excited that you started blogging again! I totally know what you mean about starting projects but not finding the will to actually complete them- i think it's a problem that most crafters have! This weekend I'm actually fixing two of the sewing machines I need to use for my students so i feel your broken sewing machine pain.

    love the blog, I'll be back to keep up.

  2. Tracey Robertson Says:

    okay i thought you meant ADD like subtraction...he he he...but i got it now! p.s. i changed my background too...LOVE IT...but i kept my scrapbook one the same...i like it simple...thanks for the suggestion though!

  3. Tracey Robertson Says:

    doesn't it feel great to blog again by the way?? i missed it so much! :)

  4. Tracey Robertson Says:

    ooo and to your question i am working, seeing my parents (2 more weeks...eekkk!!), yoga, running, and cleaning the house...FUN!