I'm very excited today, as I have found the newest single from my favourite band, 'The Arcade Fire' online. If you are interested, check it out here and click on #4 (Black Mirror)!
Their music just blows me away...new album coming out March 6th-ish!
have a good one...

7 Response to " "

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    holy crap...i am surprised you didn't talk about lost...although i haven't seen it yet so don't reveal too much! :)

  2. casey Says:

    oh yeah...i stayed at lynette's last night and we didn't start watching it until 11pm so i pretty much slept through the last half of it!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Don't say anthing, I havent' watched it yet!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Don't say anthing, I havent' watched it yet!

  5. Anonymous Says:

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  6. Anonymous Says:

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  7. Tracey Robertson Says:

    holy trigger finger!