Happy Alberta Day!!

Ok, so I'm glad I got all of that ranting out of me. I still can't believe the situation down in New Orleans. Now the looting has begun and the police have been ordered to stop the 'search and rescue' part of their job, in order to get the looters under control. How do those people live with themselves? How can you go into somebody's home knowing full well that the houses have been destroyed, and then steal stuff from them? I don't get it...

So onto other goings-on...the centennial doesn't really seem like much of a big deal, but is actually pretty interesting! I mean, on this exact day, one hundred years ago, Alberta was officially declared to be a part of Canada and became its own province. Apparently there are going to be massive fireworks tonight in 10 different cities across the province, and the government is trying to set it up so that the satellites will take aerial images while the explosions are happening. So go check them out if you can!

So that's about it for now - nothing much is going on in my little life right now...have a great day, and think: it's only one and a half days to the long weekend!


1 Response to "Happy Alberta Day!!"

  1. Tracey Robertson Says:

    i have been thinking a lot about new orleans and if i was in that position what would i do....i would like to think that if there was warnings i would be one of the first to leave but there is just something about leaving your home and i think that is why many people decided to stick it through, about the stealing as much as everyone feels disgust it is almost like people are just trying to survive and that the primal urges of just living are coming out....well atleast those are my thoughts on that!!!